Take your marketing to the next level with a Google Partner
Google Partners use their Google Ads expertise to help you stand out, maximize campaign success, and drive client growth. Premier Partners are recognized among the top 3% of companies in the Google Partners program (Members, Partners, Premier Partners), in a given country.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Google Partners program is designed for advertising agencies and third parties that manage Google Ads accounts on behalf of other brands or businesses. The program offers Partners strategic benefits to empower them to help their clients get the most out of their Google Ads campaigns.
Google Premier Partners and Partners are awarded their place in the Google Partners directory. They're recognized for meeting a set of requirements designed with your brand's needs in mind. Additionally, Premier Partners are recognized for being among the top 3% of Google Partners in their country.
Learn more about what it takes to become a Google Premier Partner or Partner.
The directory defaults to show Premier Partners listed alphabetically based on the US English translation of their name. Partners with numbers and special characters (emojis, quotation marks, etc.) appear after the alphabetical sort. The Partner Status filter can be set to show Premier Partners and Partners, listed alphabetically. You can find the most relevant Partners by using filters, such as certifications, their region or country of operation, and Premier Partner status.
The Google Partners program performs additional reviews on company information in the directory, such as malware, profanity, and trademark checks, to offer an optimal experience for users. Note that we check for correct website URL formatting and require a website URL to have a HTTP or HTTPS prefix. If a problem is detected, Google Partners reserves the right to remove the partner from being listed in the directory. Please check your company name, address, and website URL to ensure you have the correct information by going to your Company details page in your Partners program tab. If the information in your company details card is correct, but it’s still not displayed in the directory, contact us. Note that this may take up to 24 hours to update.
You can learn more about how to become a Google Premier Partner or Partner here.
You can get help at any time by visiting our support page.
You can opt out of the directory at any time by visiting your Company details page in Google Ads